Our company is aimed at businesses as we trade wholesale. Consequently, you can find out the cost of our products from one of our partner stores that buy our products.

Fill out our registration form. Click here.

Thank you for your preference and we assure you that thanks to the reliability of our products and if they are used according to their specifications, they will accompany you for many years, satisfying all your modern technological and aesthetic requirements.

The warranty is valid for the product you purchased, provided that this is stated in the brochures that accompanied your product for a period of TWO (2) YEARS from the date of initial purchase.

Warranty repairs will only be provided if the original invoice or retail receipt (indicating the date of purchase, product model and dealer’s name) is presented together with the defective product within the warranty period.

Soundstar may refuse free repair during the warranty period if the above documents are not provided or if the date of purchase, the product or model of the product or the name of the trader do not appear. This warranty does not apply if the model type or serial number of the product has been altered, deleted, removed or made illegible.

The warranty covers work and spare parts but not device replacement.

To prevent damage or loss / deletion to removable media or data storage components, you must remove them before delivering your product for repair.

Repair time is considered to be at least 15 working days.

After the expiration of the warranty, we provide Service with the corresponding charge for labor and spare parts.

  • Periodic maintenance and repair or replacement of components as a result of normal wear.
  • Consumables (components for periodic replacement during the life of a product such as batteries, cables, etc., as specified in the detailed instructions for use of the product)
  • Damage or defects caused by poor wiring, accident, fall, vibration, exposure to extreme temperatures, humidity or liquid spillage.
  • When the product is not used in a way not specified by the manufacturer.
  • If the damage was caused by your own intervention in the device or by a third party other than the authorized technicians of the company.
  • Shipping costs and risks associated with shipping your product to and from Soundstar as it is the customer’s choice and responsibility.

In case you need to contact the service department, you should have the following information available:

– The type and model of the device

–  The serial number

–  The exact description of the defect.

We would like to inform you that in the region of Attica, due to the fact that the channels are broadcast from different regions, some channels happen to freeze during the broadcast.

The reason for this phenomenon is the wrong direction of the antenna, so we suggest you correct the antenna.

If the receiver plays some stations without problems, it is accurate to state that the problem lies in the wrong direction of the receiving antenna.




SIMPLE:  210 44166276

ΙΒΑΝ: GR60 0110 2100 0000 2104 4166 276



SIMPLE: 719002002001995

ΙΒΑΝ: GR91 0140 7190 7190 0200 2001 995



SIMPLE: 5224019131185

ΙΒΑΝ: GR34 0172 2240 0052 2401 9131 185



SIMPLE: 0026.0125.85.0200995123

ΙΒΑΝ: GR72 0260 1250 0008 5020 0995 123

Do you have any other questions?